Sunday, November 7, 2010

Top 10 List - Bat Mitzvah Fears

Paris' Bat Mitzvah is in February. Here are some of the things that keep me up at night:
  1. People will RSVP and not show up.
  2. People won't RSVP and show up.
  3. There will be too much food.
  4. There won't be enough food.
  5. Paris won't find anything she wants to wear to Friday night services, her Bat Mitzvah and the party.
  6. Paris will only find things I think are inappropriate to wear to Friday night services, her Bat Mitzvah and the party.
  7. Paris will want to wear my shoes that weekend.
  8. Paris will already have surpassed my shoe size.
  9. We will have a heat wave and record high temperatures.
  10. It will rain.


Tristan said...

At least you know will have hair and make up covered ;-) I'm super excited about it! I can understand why you are stressed. How are you going to handle her wedding? LOL

Amy said...

I have read this several times and laughed each time! So relatable!

Caryl @ said...

That is hilarious my friend!!!

Polka Dot Moon said...

You my dear are hysterical!

Have I told you that your daughter is a miniature replica of you?! Love her picture!